American Flyer Log Loader 751 Instructions

American Flyer Log Loader 751
This is the service bulletin furnished by the A. C. Gilbert Co. to authorized service stations to aid them in the service and repair of American Flyer equipment. Specifically, this bulletin is for the American Flyer Accessory 751 Log Loader Service Manual.
Gilbert made three different types of log loaders:
American Flyer Accessory 751 Log Loader
American Flyer Accessory 751A Log Loader
American Flyer Accessory 787 Log Loader
American Flyer Accessory 23787 Log Loader
The log loader was manufactured from 1947 to 1950. In 1951 Gilbert created the 751A Log Loader which include some small changes – mainly the adjustment was to push the cradle up instead of pulling it up.
The American Flyer Accessory 751 Log Loader was paired with the 717 freight car. The freight car would pull up, the operator would push the button and load the logs. At that point the train would embark on its journey. This is the first type of log loader in the American Flyer accessory line and was replaced by the 751 and 787 versions. The mechanism in the 751 is more complex than the later version and is generally noisier and jerkier. Logs roll onto the log raiser, then the raiser hoists a log into position for the overhead mechanism to travel down the boom into position and with careful dimensions in the arrangement of the mechanism, grab the log, travel up the boom and unload the log into the waiting car.